Extra! Extra!
Ok so my previous post was a little premature in the celebrating... I wasn't actually approved for my mortgage yet. I'd gotten something called a "commitment letter" from the bank I was using, yes, but it turns out that even though that's a positive step, it's not my actual approval. What I really needed was that same type of letter from CHFA (Connecticut Housing Finance Authority) before I could consider myself in the home stretch.
I found all this out after attending a mandatory educational seminar about home-ownership. It was a three-hour class in a small back room of the mall that covered stuff I basically already knew. But I did learn a few things (like, you actually need TWO different commitment letters).
Anyway, to make a long story short, I got that second commitment today!! Hurrah!! Now I really AM only a few pieces of paper and a bunch of closing cost money away from owning my own home!!! Hella scary, people, hella scary.
I was thinking it could be really cool to have Thanksgiving in my new house. Or maybe Christmas. I think that would really make me feel like a grown-up. It's odd because even though I'm going to be owning my own place as of next week, I still don't really feel grown up at all. I don't know when that stepping off point is going to be, but I don't know that I'm really looking forward to it. I kind of like that I still feel young and energetic and full of hope and promise. Like I could do anything. I think I associate "feeling like a grown-up" with "feeling burdened with worry and responsibility." Certainly, owning a home is going to up those feelings, but hopefully it won't be too overwhelming.
I'll have to figure out how to post pictures of the place once I move in so anyone can see it if they want to! :)
Living on your own definitely makes you feel grown up. :)
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