Wednesday, September 07, 2005

My weekend in a nutshell

I went to Tucson this weekend to visit my BFFE, Elisabeth, and to help her pick out a wedding dress. This is a brief synopsis of my experiences there:

1. I helped Elisabeth find a wedding dress within two hours of landing in Tucson. How's that for efficiency?

2. I was bitten by a dog, an ostrich and multiple mosquitoes.

3. I went to my first drive-in movie. A double feature for five bucks! Sweet!

4. I got a pedicure while seated in the BEST massage chair EVER.

5. I bought sexy underwear and a couple new books.

6. I spent some quality time with my best friend on earth.

Care for a bit of extrapolation? You'll have to wait. I have to get some work done :)


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